Conflict Management in the Workplace

Managing ConflictMost people try to avoid conflict in the workplace, but as one person said to me recently, “conflict comes looking for me”. Workplace conflict is inevitable and when poorly handled costs businesses in lost productivity, absenteeism, sick leave and high staff turn over.

Tim Spalding is the guest presenter at a free webinar on Tuesday 27th September at 7:30pm Western European Time. The webinar will look at how you can become more conflict competent and manage conflicts so that you can achieve better outcomes from them. It will address the following:

1. Identifying your conflict style and knowing which style is appropriate in which situation
2. Being aware of your triggers and what you do that triggers others
3. Communicating more effectively in conflicts

Tim believes that conflict is an inevitable and natural part of life that cannot and should not be avoided. He also believes that we can choose how we have those conflicts to support more productive and healthy outcomes.

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