Category Archives: Relationship

Conflict Resolution is a Core Job Skill

When you go to for job interview there are some questions that you can be pretty sure you will be asked. One of these, and the one that a lot of people have difficulty answering, is “how would you deal with a conflict situation?” It may not be asked in exactly those words but that 

The High Dream of Leadership

Conflict  is a natural part of the life of groups and within this it seems inevitable that leaders will be attacked. I know that I have attacked the leader of groups and organisations I have been part of; and as a leader, I have been attacked myself. It  goes with the territory and it has 

Rank: how power and privilege affect our relationships

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel inferior to or put down by a someone, and then notice that another time they are reacting to you as though you were superior to them or putting them down? Rank differences are the key contributor to conflicts and their escalation. Having rank awareness gives you an